We are members of the ICNZB

We are members of the ICNZB Our Professional Membership with the Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers is important because…. • We have a Code of Ethical Conduct that we areobliged to adhere to.• We hold Professional Indemnity insurance thatprotects us both in our business relationship.• We are supported in our Continuous ProfessionalDevelopment with regular access […]

Time to Review 2021 and Plan for 2022!

What are your business goals for 2022? The beginning of a new calendar year is an excellent time to review the year just finished and reflect on what worked, what didn’t, what you’d like to change and new things you’d like to implement. Last year, there were inescapable impacts on businesses, with some thriving, others […]

What does the 2022 Budget have instore for you?

What does the 2022 Budget have instore for you? The Budget is light on business spending, but does include a new $100 million Business Growth Fund for SMEs. This could be instrumental in addressing the ongoing difficulty of business lending for SMEs. The Government is also continuing the Regional Strategic Partnership Fund and putting some money towards […]

Keeping your records

Keeping on Top of Business Cash Flow Stay on top of cash flow with cloud accounting software.  It’s a decision that can save you time that you can spend on other areas of your business. Money in, money out, cash flow is one of the most important measures of your businesses health, but how to you […]