We are a small team that like to really get to know our clients so we can look for better ways to help you do all the boring stuff so that you can get on with the business of doing what you’re good at.
Meet the team:
Janice Hughes
Experience: There’s not much Janice hasn’t done. From GWD’s parts department as an inventory record-keeper, then the Wallacetown Garage, then she was an accounts clerk, then back to the Wallacetown Garage as part-owner doing the books in an actual book, old school-style. She’s now gone from being a self-employed Bookkeeper in her spare room in 2014 to having an office with three staff and three contract Accountants.
Favourite TV programme: Grey’s Anatomy
Standard lunch order: It used to be a BLT or steak sandwich – now it’s a plant-based salad and coffee.
Favourite number: 13 – she was born on a Black Friday.
Sarah Hunter
Sarah has worked in admin for over 18 years and is known as the sidekick for her ability to adapt to whatever situation she is thrown into.
Favourite TV programme: Neighbours
Standard lunch order: Chicken pie and ice chocolate
Favourite number: 8 – her first nephew’s birthdate
Joanne Winslade
Joanne has worked in customer service for many years, 7 of those spent working for a finance company in the admin and customer call centre teams.
Favourite TV programme: The Block Australia
Standing lunch order: Hot chips and a Coke
Favourite number: 5 – her birthdate.
Lola is Janices 1 year old papillon poodle cross puppy. She has taken on the task of office meeter and greeter with great enthusiasm.
She can often be seen hiding under the desks where no one can reach her and is not great at filing